-Monday the 8th is a review day.

-Pando.com- follows companies and news in digital media.

– Professional currency means you know whats going on in your field. Pando and wired are a good site for this.

-SurveyMonkey- product of post focus group world

– Surveys have superseded focus groups

-Reasons Online surveys have superseded focus groups:



3. logistics




Plus of a focus group is you actually see the emotions of peoples initial reaction.

Requires to be present at a certain time.

Being anonymous can be an advantage

– Get Started )

– New Survey

– We have several demographic parameters

Rating something is how important it is, Ranking its is comparing it with something else.

Most questions are essay, rating, ranking or multiple choice.

essay is not easy to measure, the above are.

Surveys are quantitative

Focus groups are qualitive, so are essays.

– Get essays done.